
For those that like to dream, come in. For those that like to laugh, come in. For those that like to cry and be inspired...please come in. Our family is like any other, but is extraordinary in it's own right. Come and join us at our campfire and laugh a little, cry a little and leave us, but please come back. We love company...

Friday, July 16, 2010

My favorite words...

There are somewhere between 250,000 and 900,000 words in the English language. New words are added almost everyday. There are so many of those words that I use, and hundreds of thousands I can't even pronounce. I have words that I don't like (I won't name them, they aren't so good), and words that I love.

I have words I love because of what they make me think of. Beach, ocean, kids, ice cream, chocolate, water, friends...you get the idea. Then there are words that I love just because I love them. They are fun to say, fun to think about and can be so colorful coming off the tongue. Here's a list of a few of my favorites and why.

Beautiful. I love this word. It not only describes the most amazing people, situations and places, but it also looks pretty. I can never type it without stopping to think about the keys because it's a little trickier than some words so therefor it makes me really think about what I am typing. I think the last time I used this word is when I was on facebook describing two of my nieces, Taylor and Maddie. And they are beautiful. It's also perfect to describe the most amazing places to me...oceans, beaches, mountains, nature...and my favorite thing to use it to describe would be my children.

Naughty. This can be used to describe so many things and so many people. But it isn't like "bad" or "evil". Naughty is what I call Skyler when he dumps an entire box of cereal on the floor and then drives his cars through it. Naughty is what I use to describe Isaac when he is teasing the girls just to hear them scream. Naughty is what I use to describe Lacie when as a two year old she would escape from the house and be halfway round the block before I could get to her. Those things are naughty, but endearing. That's what that word brings to my mind...endearing. I often hear my friend Angie call me "naughty"...I hope it means the same thing to her...

Butt...don't ask me why. Jon is always telling the kids to say "bum" not "butt". He thinks the word is somewhat crude. I cannot tell you why, but I love it. "Get your butt over here now!" is much more affective than "Get your bum over here now!". It's got more flavor and umph to it. Sayings like "cute butt" and "kick your butt" just wouldn't be the same with the word bum. I love butt...I guess that's the naughty side of me speaking.

Summer. I love summer. Everyone knows that. I love all it means to me and I love the word. When I was pregnant with Skyler, before I knew he was a he, I was convinced that he was a she. As we poured over names for him I came up with Summer. I thought what a pretty name for a sweet little girl. Every time I said her name it would be a gentle reminder of my most favorite season of the year, plus it's just pretty. It flows and and has soft sounds to it. Summer...summer...summer...

America. Its not the softest word, but the older I get the more this word means to me. I watch the news. I hear about what goes on in the world. I talk to people who live outside the U.S. for extended periods of time and although I would love to travel and see so many things, I would always want to come home. This land is so blessed, so rich with so many cultures and peoples. For the most part we live in harmony and we are all striving for the same thing. Peace, in our lives and our world. I love the men and women who fight for our rights to vote, live and strive for our dreams. Only in America.

Laughter...do I really need to explain myself on this one? Everyone loves it, everyone tries to find it and everyone tries to produce it out of everyone else. It's priceless in my book...which brings me to my last word...

Shit. Yes...shit. I couldn't have a list of favorite words without putting in there my favorite swear word. Just last night as Jon and I were watching one of our favorite shows that word was spewed off by one of the characters. Now Jon and I have seen this movie countless times and yet every time that scene comes up we laugh. We both admit that that's our favorite swear word. It's strong enough to get the point across without being too offensive, but is better at getting the point across than saying damn or hell. We both are trying very hard not to say it in front of the kids...but alas...shit happens...

I could go on and on...but I am not going to. I love my language, I love learning new words and Polly and I even like to make new ones up. Language can be colorful, offensive, fun and descriptive. Anyone who knows me knows I like to talk... :)

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